Candidate Schema

Field Type Example Label Description Required
id string Unique ID This field is to assign a candidate a unique identifier that can be referenced in data exchange between organizations. For example: recDYXHDhyY1235 true
given_names string Given name(s) This field is to collect a candidate’s given name(s). For example: Lyra Michelle false
family_names string Family name(s) This field is to collect a candidate’s family name(s). For example: Hashimi false
meta_source string - This field is marked as 'meta'. It is used to identify which organization this data came from. For example: TalentLift or Talent Beyond Boundaries. true
gender enum Gender This field is to collect a candidate’s gender. It is a string to allow for maximum flexibility and can have enumerated types. For example: Male, Female, Other. false
gender_other string Gender If the user selects 'Other' from the enumerated list, the value can be saved here. false
date_of_birth date Date of birth This field is to collect a candidate’s date of birth. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. For example: 1989-04-06 false
marital_status enum Marital status This field is to collect a candidate’s marital status. It can have enumerated types, like Single, Married, and others. false
marital_status_other string Marital status If the user selects 'Other' from the enumerated list, the value can be saved here. false
email string Email This field is to collect a candidate’s email. For example: false
phone string Phone This field is to collect a candidate’s phone number, including country codes if applicable. For example: +17774443333 false
phone_type enum Type of phone number This field is to collect the type of phone number provided (e.g., cell, fax, landline, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram). false
phone_type_other string Type of phone number If the user selects 'Other' from the enumerated list, the value can be saved here. false
country_of_origin country (ISO 3166) Country of origin This field is to collect a candidate’s country of origin using ISO 3166 codes. For example: Panama or 'PA'. true
country_of_residence country (ISO 3166) Country of residence This field is to collect a candidate’s country of residence using ISO 3166 codes. For example: Ecuador or 'EC'. true
country_of_citizenship country (ISO 3166) Country of citizenship This field is to collect a candidate’s country of citizenship using ISO 3166 codes. For example: Colombia or 'CO'. false
preferred_name string Preferred name This field is for collecting a candidate’s preferred name. For example: Omar false
main_occupation string Main occupation What is the candidate’s professional identity? true
self_identified_as_refugee boolean Self-identified as a refugee? Indicates if a candidate identifies themselves as a refugee. True or False. false
interested_in_relocation boolean Interested in relocation? Indicates if the candidate is interested in relocation. True or False. false
external_profile string External profile A candidate’s external link such as LinkedIn, blog, or CV. false
passport_expiry date Passport expiry date The expiry date of the candidate’s passport. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. For example: 2028-04-06 false
current_legal_status object Current legal status Collects the candidate’s current legal status in their country of residence. false
additional_citizenships country (ISO 3166) Additional citizenships Any additional citizenship(s) the candidate holds. For example: Brazil false
other_identifier string Other identifier Additional identifiers about the candidate (e.g., national, ethnic, religious). false
current_town_city string Current town/city The current town or city where the candidate lives. false
citizenship_status_of_spouse_dependents string Citizenship of spouse/dependents The citizenship status of the candidate's spouse and dependents. false
joint_guardianship_custody_of_children string Joint custody of children Information about any joint custody or guardianship arrangements the candidate may have. false
open_jobs_in_rural_area boolean Willing to work in rural areas? Indicates if the candidate is willing to accept jobs in rural areas. True or False. false
travel_without_non_immediate_family boolean Willing to travel without non-immediate family? Indicates if the candidate is willing to travel only with immediate family members. True or False. false
notes_regarding_intl_recruitment string Notes on international recruitment Additional information about the candidate’s international recruitment. false
refused_visa_to_any_country string Visa refusals Whether the candidate or dependents have ever been refused a visa to any country. false
had_military_service string Military service Whether the candidate or dependents have ever completed military service. false
arrested_charged_criminal_offence string Criminal offences Whether the candidate or dependents have ever been arrested or charged with a criminal offence. false
detained_incarcerated_jailed string Detainment history Whether the candidate or dependents have ever been detained, incarcerated, or jailed. false
participated_armed_conflict string Participation in armed conflict Whether the candidate or dependents have ever been part of an armed conflict or armed group. false
serious_health_condition string Serious health conditions Whether the candidate or dependents currently have a serious health condition. false
secondary_occupation string Secondary occupation Any secondary occupation the candidate has. false
soft_skills string Soft skills The candidate’s soft skills that strengthen their employment profile. false
date_of_arrival date Date of arrival in host country The date the candidate arrived in their host country. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. false
unhcr_registration string UNHCR/UNRWA registration Information about the candidate's registration status with UNHCR or UNRWA. false
education object Education Educational background of the candidate. false
language object Languages Languages the candidate can speak, read, or write. false
work object Work experience Work experience details of the candidate. true
created_at datetime Created at Timestamp when the record was created. true
updated_at datetime Updated at Timestamp when the record was last updated. false

Education Object

Field Expected Types Example Label Description Required Notes
from date When did you start this program? Collects the date the candidate started their education. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. E.g., 2021-04-16 false
to date When did you stop this program? Collects the date the candidate finished their education. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. E.g., 2021-04-16 false
institution string What institution did you attend? Name of the institution attended. E.g., Kardan University false
degree_or_program_name string What was your degree or program name? Degree earned or program name. E.g., Bachelor's degree false
level string or enum What was the level of this credential? Information about the credential level. E.g., Doctoral degree true Members agreed to adopt ISCED as a base list.

Language Object

Field Expected Types Example Label Description Required Notes
language language (ISO 639) Language Language the candidate has ability in. Value from ISO 639 codes. true
level enum What is your overall language ability? Level of language proficiency. E.g., advanced false Members agreed to adopt CEFR, ACTFL, or CLB as standard lists.
language_details string Any other comments about this language ability? Additional language-related information. E.g., 'Can speak but not read or write.' false

Work Object

Field Expected Types Example Label Description Required Notes
from date When did you start this employment? Date started employment. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. E.g., 2022-04-16 false
to date When did you stop this employment? Date ended employment. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. E.g., 2023-04-16 false
employer string Who is the employer? Name of the employer. E.g., TalentLift false
position string What is the position? Position held. E.g., Marketing Officer true
responsibilities string What were your responsibilities? Responsibilities in the position. false
hours_per_week number How many hours did you work? Number of hours worked per week. E.g., 21 false
paid boolean Were you paid for this work? Indicates if the job was paid. True or False. false

Current Legal Status Object

Field Expected Types Example Label Description Required Notes
status string What is your current legal status? Current legal status of the candidate. E.g., permanent resident, recognized refugee. true See full list for options.
notes string Additional details Expiry dates, registration numbers, or other details. false

Gender Enum List

Value Description Notes
Male A person who identifies as male.
Female A person who identifies as female.
Non-binary A person who identifies outside the traditional male and female binary. This can include identities such as genderqueer, genderfluid, and others.
Other A person whose gender identity does not fit into the predefined categories of male, female, or non-binary.
Prefer not to say A person who chooses not to disclose their gender identity.

Marital Status Enum List

Value Description Notes
Single A person who is not married and has never been married.
Married A person who is legally married to another individual.
Divorced A person who was previously married but is now legally separated from their spouse.
Widowed A person whose spouse has died and who has not remarried.
Separated A person who is still legally married but living apart from their spouse, often as a precursor to divorce.
In civil union A person in a legally recognized union similar to marriage, often for same-sex couples, but varying by jurisdiction.
In domestic partnership A person in a committed relationship with another individual, often recognized by local laws but without the full legal rights of marriage.
Common law A person living with a partner in a relationship considered equivalent to marriage by law, without a formal marriage certificate.
Engaged A person who has formally agreed to marry another individual.
Complicated A person in a relationship status that is difficult to define or involves multiple factors, such as on-and-off relationships.
Other A person whose marital status does not fit into any of the predefined categories.
Prefer not to say A person who chooses not to disclose their marital status.

Phone Type Enum List

Value Description Notes
Mobile Mobile phone number, typically used for SMS and calls.
Landline Fixed line telephone number.
Fax Fax number for document transmission.
VoIP Voice over IP (VoIP) number used for internet-based calls.
WhatsApp WhatsApp phone number used for messaging and calls.
Telegram Telegram phone number used for messaging and calls.
Signal Signal phone number used for secure messaging and calls.
WeChat WeChat phone number used primarily for messaging, calls, and social interaction.
Skype Skype number used for calls and video conferencing.
Other Any other type of phone number not covered above.